Book Details |
Towards Sustainable Agricultural Development |
New Horizones in Agriculture in India |
Marginality; Addressing the Nexus of Poverty, Exclusion and Ecology |
Handbook of Agriculture |
Including the Excluded in South Asia; Power, Politics and Policy Perspectives from the Region |
Agricultural Development Possibilities in Bangladesh |
Performance of Agricultural Extension Organizations of Bangladesh |
The Evolving Science of Grassland Improvement |
History of Agricultural Education in Bengal |
Krishi Shamprosaron Manual |
Krishi Shamprosaron Manual |
Agribusiness and Extension Management |
Process of Agricultural Development in Bangladesh |
Agricultural Transition in ASIA; Trajectories and Challenges |
Women and Work in South Asia; Rights and Innovations |
Preparatory Committee to the Fourth Special Session of the Standing Committe, Vol. 11e |
Preparatory Committee to the Fourth Special Session of the Standing Committee |
Regional Poverty Profile 2004; Changing Face of Poverty in South Asia |
Bangladesh Economic Review 2008 |
Proceedings of the SAARC Workshop on Fish Seed Production, 11-12 June 1989, Bangladesh |
SAARC Regional Poverty Profile 2003 |
SAARC EPIDEMIOLOGICAL Response on Tuberculosis 2017 |
Saarc Regional Strategy on Advocacy, Communication & Social Mobilization for TB and HIV -AIDS - Copy |
Proceedings of the Workshop on Transfer of Technology (TOT) Systems in Agriculture in SAARC Countrie |
Soils of Bangladesh:Their Genesis, Classification and Use potential |
Soil Conservation |
SAARC Regional Conference on Diminishing Cultures in South ASIA |
Water Scarcity, Livelihoods and Food Security; Research and innovation for development |
Crop Varieties: their demand and supply in SAARC countries |
Seed Production of Field Crops |
Seed Production of Field Crops |
Tuberculosis Control SAARC Region, Uptade 2012 |
SAARC Epidemiological Response on Tuberculosis 2014 |
SAARC Epidemiological Response on HIV / AIDS 2015 |
SAARC Epidemiological Response on Tuberculosis 2015 |
SAARC Epidemiological Response on HIV / AIDS |
SAARC Regional Poverty Profile 2007-08; Infrastructure Development and Poverty Reduction in South As |
Research Planning and Proposal Writing Skill: the course is designed for undergraduate, postgraduate |
SAARC: Regional Co-Operation and Development |
Developmental Biology |
Handbook on Plantation Accounts |
HandBook on Plantation Accounts |
Climate and Food Security |
Food Security in South Asia |
SAARC A Perspective |
Soil, Plant, Water and Fertilizer Analysis |
HandBook on Plantation Accounts |
Veterinary Dictionary |
World Tourism Directory '95 / 96 |
Handbook of Genetics |
Handbook of Genetics |
Dictionary of Agriculture; From Abaca to Zoonosis |
Agro's Dictionary of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry |
Chambers 20th Century Dictionary |
Dictionary of Food Ingredients |
A Dictionary of English Structures |
Bangla Academy Functional Bengali dictionary |
Dictionary of Irrigation Technology and Water Management |
Agro's Dictionary of Horticulture |
SAARC Regional Conference on Diasporic Cultures of South Asia During 18th to 20yh Centuries; Confere |
SAARC Regional Conference on Diminishing Cultures in South ASIA |
Symposium; Shared Heritage of Sculpture and Decorative Arts in the SAARC Region |
Documentation on SAARC |
Rituals, Ethics and Societal Stability in the SAARC Region |
SAARC - A Profile |
Political Economy of SARC |
SARC Seeds of Harmoney |
Documents; Thirty First Programming Committee Meeting, December 2007 |
SAARC Regional Poverty Profile 2005; Poverty Reduction in South Asia through Productive Employment |
Bangladesh Economic Review 2015 |
Bangladesh Economic Review 2008 |
World Bank and Development of SAARC Nations |
SAARC Origin, Development and Programmes (From First to the Ninth SAARC Suummit) |
SAARC and the Superpowers |
SAARC Trade and Development |
SAARC Beyond State-Centric Cooperation |
SAARC and the Superpowers |
Forestry in SAARC Countries |
Rural Change in South ASIA; India, Pakistan, Bangladesh |
Disaster Management and Private Sectors; Challenges and Potentials |
Disaster Management |
Natural Disaster Reduction: Perspectives, Aspects & Strategies |
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change for Bangladesh |
Globalization and New Regionalism in South Asia; Issues and Dynamics |
Abstract of Twenty Five - Year Sugarcane Researches |
Forestry for People |
Seeding Solutions |
Handbook of Fisheries and Aquaculture |
Pollen Biotechnology for Crop Production and Improvement |
Crop Production and Tillage |
Crop Management |
Textbook of Field Crops Production |
Heterosis and Hybrid Rice Breeding |
Rice - Wheat Cropping System |
Plant Adaptation and Crop Improvement |
Principles and Practices of Crop Production |
New Diagnostics in Crop Sciences |
New Diagnostics in Crop Sciences |
New Crops for Temperate Regions |
Essential Aspects of Agricultural Crop Production |
Mountain Agriculture and Crop Genetic Resources |
Crop Diseases and Their Management |
50 years of Crop Science Research in India |
Rice Crop Production |
Oilseeds in ASIA-PACIFIC Region |
Seed Science and Seed Technology |
Methods in Plant Tissue Culture |
Clonal Tissue Culture of Important Fruit Crops |
Seed Borne Diseases: Ecofriendly Management |
Quarantine for Seed |
Why Quality Seed?; Reality & Vision Bangladesh Context |
Why Quality Seed?; Reality & Vision Bangladesh Context |
Pulse and Oil Seed Technology in Bangladesh |
Seed Technology |
Anatomy of Seed Plants |
Seed Pathology |
Farmers, Research in Practice Lessons from the field |
Agricultural Research and Technology Transfer |
The Political Economy of Agricultural Pricing Policy |
Research Methodology in Agriculture |
Intriduction to Plant Tissue Culture |
Food and Nutrition |
Farm Machinery and Equipment |
Farm Machinery and Power |
Rural Entrepreneurism |
Co-ordinated Research on Wheat Production Technology in India |
Co-ordinated Research on Wheat Production Technology in India |
Assessment on NARC Project Proposal an Exploratory Study |
Research Resource Allocation in Indian Agriculture |
Biodiversity II; Understanding and Protecting Our Biological Resources |
Biodiversity II; Understanding and Protecting Our Biological Resources |
Produving Seeds of Biennial Vegetables in Temperate Regions |
A Concise Guide to Insects |
Laboratory Manual of Analytical Techniques in Horticulture |
Spice Crops of India |
Peasant Behaviour Under Uncertainty; Decision-Making Among Low-Income Farmers in Bangladesh |
Peasant Behaviour Under Uncertainty; Decision-Making Among Low-Income Farmers in Bangladesh |
Red Data Book of Vascular Plants of Bangladesh |
Rural Economy and Livelihoods; Insights From Bangladesh |
Bangladesh Rice |
Advanced Ground Improvement Techniques |
Global Economics Prospects; Commodities at the Crossroads |
Evolution |
Traditional Agricultural Implements of bangladesh |
Rice Postproduction Manual |
Sustainable Irrigation in Saline Environment |
Rice in Nepal |
Methods of Tissue Engineering |
Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture 2016-17 |
Textbook of Drainage Engineering |
Crop Nutrition: Principles and Practices |
Readings in Microeconomics |
Microbiology; A Laboratory Manual |
Assessing the Social Impact of Development Projects |
Agricultural Transformation and Country Perspectives |
Natural Resources Conservation |
Agricultural Development |
Plant Biotechnology; Laboratory Manual for Plant Biotechnology |
Process Biotechnology Fundamentals |
Readings in Microeconomics |
International Political Economy; Understanding Global Disorder |
Economic Problems of Indian Agriculture |
Agricultural Growth and Stagnation in Bangladesh |
Agricultural Development and Sustainable Intensification |
Agricultural Process Engineering |
Sustainable Development; A Discourse in Sociology of Irrigation |
Sustainable Development; A Discourse in Sociology of Irrigation |
Agriculture Meteorology |
Sri Lanka State of the Economy 2018 |
Rice Science and Technology in Nepal |
Agricultural Policy for More Competitive Economics in Asia and the Pacific |
Plant Biotechnology |
Biological Nitrogen Fixation Associated with Rice Production |
Agriculture in Bangladesh |
Gender in Agriculture; Closing the Knowledge Gap |
Rice Research in Asia; Progress and Priories |
Global Economic Prospects |
World Economic Out Look; Spillovers and Cycles in the Global Economy |
World Economic Out Look; Spillovers and Cycles in the Global Economy |
Biodiversity; Status and Prospects |
Coconut Descriptors, Part - 1 |
Literature Review of Insect Pests and Diseases of Rice in Bangladesh |
A primer on Vegetable Gardening |
Effective Listening and Smooth Pronunciation |
Indian Agriculture; Four Decades of Development |
Re-thinking Economic Development |
Good Economics for Hard Times |
Agricultural Policy Planning in India |
Fundamentals of Limnology and Aquaculture Biotechnology |
Good Health: The Hidden Secret of Long Life |
The Foundation of Indian Agriculture |
Riceland Spiders of South and Southeast Asia |
Lab to Land: Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture in Asia |
Economic Reforms in Bangladesh and New Zealand and their Impact on Agriculture |
Economic Reforms in Bangladesh and New Zealand and their Impact on Agriculture |
Hybrid Research and Development Needs in Major Cereals in the Asia- Pacific Region |
Report on Crop Survey (Aman, Wheat, Potato, and Sugarcane) |
Studies on Agriculture and Rural Development |
Agriculture and Environment: Global Perspective |
Recent Advances in Biotechnological Applications of Plant Tissue and Cell Culture |
Technology for Increasing Maize Production in India |
Agricultural Pollution, Vol.1 |
Biotechnology in Agriculture; A Dialogue |
Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge; Equitable Partnership in Practice |
Increased Household Income and Rural Women in Asia; Impact on Status and Activities |
Taking Stock and Shaping the Future: Conversations on Extension |
Bangladesh Economy 2000; Selected Issues |
Chashabader Mulkatha |
Jeen Prokoushal O Jeeyem Shashhsho (Genetic Engineering and GM Crops |
Trnds in The Post - Flood Economy; A Review of Bangladesh's Development 1998-99 |
Guide to Bangladesh Agriculture |
Effective Listening and Smooth Pronunciation |
Department of Agriculture at the turn of the Century |
Weeds; Reported in Rice in South and Southeast Asia |
Agro-Industries for Development |
Indigenous Nutrient Management Practices- wisdom alive in India |
Biodiversity Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Ecology (Vol. 11) |
Biodiversity Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Ecology (Vol. 11) |
A Manual for Small-Scale Rabbit Production |
Biodiversity, Science and Development; Towards A Partnership |
Cultivation of Herbs and Flowers |
Farming Systems of Bangladesh of Bangladesh; Poverty Escape Pathways and Livelihoods Improvement |
A Farmer's Primer on Growing Rice |
Exploiting Biodiversity for Sustainable Pest Management |
Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions of South Asia |
Characterizing and Understanding Rainfed Environments |
Characterizing and Understanding Rainfed Environments |
Balancing Water for Humans and Nature; The New Approach in Ecohydrology |
Tea Processing |
Tea Processing |
Floriculture and Landscaping; At A Glance |
Floriculture and Landscaping; At A Glance |
Global Action for Biodiversity |
Systems approaches for agricultural development |
Plants, Genes and Agriculture |
Plant Biochemistry |
Plant Biochemistry |
The Penal Code |
Biogeochemistry of a Forested Ecosystem |
GIS and Organizations; How effective are GIS in practice |
Indian Agriculture & Agri-Business Management |
Exploitation of Renewable Energy in Bangladesh; Power Supply and Climate Protection Perspectives |
Ecology |
Biodiversity |
Jatiyo Brikkho Amgach |
Dictionary of Agriculture |
Development of Agriculture |
Agriculture Technology |
Understanding the MONGA in Northern Bangladesh |
Agricultural Economics |
Bangladesher Krishi O Grameen Orthoneeti (A book on Agriculture and Rural Economy in Bangladesh) |
Bangladesh Service Rules, Part: 1 - 2 |
Fruit and Vegetable Preservation; Principles and Practices |
Bangladesher Krishi O Grameen Orthoneeti (A book on Agriculture and Rural Economy in Bangladesh) |
Handbook of Agriculture |
Traditional Agricultural Implements of Bangladesh |
The Bangladesh Economy; Diagnoses and Prescriptions |
Agrometeorology and Remote Sensing; Principles and Practices |
Stagnation, Agrarian Structure and Credit |
Research Planning & Proposal Writing Skill |
WTO and Regional Trade Negotiation Outcomes: Quantitative Assessments of Potential Implications on B |
Gardener's Book of Production and Nutrition |
Feeding tomorrow's world |
Slip Trip Tumble; Determining Landlessness in Rural Bangladesh |
Research Methodology in Agriculture |
A History of World Agriculture; from the neolithic age to the current crisis |
A History of World Agriculture; from the neolithic age to the current crisis |
Dictionary of Agriculture |
Agricultural Communication and Sustainable Development |
Bangladesh Agriculture; A Critique on Performances and The Challenges of Tomorrow |
Location Scouting and Management Handbook |
Bangladesh Agriculture; A Critique on Performances and The Challenges of Tomorrow |
Proven Successes in Agricultural Development |
Bangladesh Agriculture and Field Crops |
Agricultural Disaster Management in Bangladesh |
Plants in Agriculture |
Agriculture in Bangladesh; Performance Problems and Prospects |
Bangladesh in the Global Trade Regime; Labour, Environment, Agriculture, Export and Trade |
Agriculture in Bangladesh; Performance Problems and Prospects |
Unlocking the Potential, National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction |
Agricultural R & D in the Developing World |
Agricultural Finance and Management |
Sustainable Agricultural Systems |
Can Bangladesh be a Middle Income Country Within a Decade? A Study in Bangladesh's Growth Prospects |
Overcoming Human Poverty; Essays on the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond |
Agricultural R & D in the Developing World; Too Little, too late |
Looking At World Religions: A Birds-Eye View |
Inclusive Agricultural Development: New Dimensions |
Agricultural Trade in South Asia; Potential and Policy Options |
Adoption of New Technology and Agricultural Development |
Looking At World Religions: A Bird's-Eye View |
Agricultural Development; Today and Tomorrow |
Tribal Agriculture and Modernization; The Change and Continuity |
The Physical Geography of Bangladesh |
Global Biodiversity; The Library of Life and Secret of Human Existence on Earth |
Bangladesh in the New Millennium; A University of Dhaka Study |
Nursery and Landscaping |
Nursery and Landscaping |
Beyond the Numbers; Understanding the Institutions for Monitoring Poverty Reduction Strategies |
Bangladesh at 40 Changes and Challenges |
Agricultural Terminology |
Tribal Agriculture and Modernization; The Change and Continuity |
Webster Comprehensive Dictionary, Vol. 2 |
Webster Comprehensive Dictionary, Vol. 1 |
The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Science |
The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Science |
Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture; Hill Region Agro-ecosystems |
Environmental Challenges |
Environment, Agroforestry & Livestock Management |
Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Global Scales |
Environment Impact Assessment for Changing World |
Pictorial Communication in Virtual and real Environments |
Illustrated Oxford Dictionary |
Encyclopaedia of Horticulture and Gardening |
Dictionary of Communications Technology |
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry |
Chand Illustrated Dictionary of Science |
Illustrated Oxford Dictionary |
Encyclopedia of Science and Technology |
Ultimate Visual Dictionary |
Ultimate Visual Dictionary of Science |
Chambers Dictionary of Science and Technology |
India handbook |
Visual Encyclopaedia |
A Pictorial Guide to Nursery Plants |
Manual on Mango Cultivation in Bangladesh |
Manual on Mango Cultivation in Bangladesh |
Amazing Healing Plants |
Greenhouse Management for horticultural Crop Production |
Capacity Building for Agricultural Research for Development |
Help! Word Perfect 6.0 |
Vegetable Crops (Vol. 3) |
Traditional Uses of Ethnomedicinal Plants of the Chittagong Hill Tracts |
Phalbaganer Pokamakar (Insect Pests of Fruit Garden) |
XML (A book on Extensible Markup Language) |
Nature Conservation |
Essays on Environment |
Clean Air Around The World; National Approaches to Air Pollution Control |
Bangladesh Resource and Environmental Profile |
Environment and Plant Metabolism; flexibility and acclimation |
Gender, Environment and Sustainable Development |
Environmental Education and Sustainable Development |
Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific; How Can Countries Adapt? |
Climate Change, Soil and Agricultural Technologies for Sustainable Development, Food and |
Introduction to Horticulture |
Introduction to Horticulture |
Environment and Poverty |
Downstream Processing of Natural Products; A Practical Handbook |
Horticulture; Principles and Practices |
Indigenous Agricultural Revolution; Ecology and food production in West Africa |
First Fruit; The Creation of the Flavr Savrt tm Tomato and the Birth of Genetically Engineered Food |
Handling, Transportation and Storage of Fruits and Vegetables |
Postharvest Management of Horticultural Crops |
Seed Production Technology of Vegetables |
Potato; Present & Future |
Shrimp: Hatchery, Modern Culture Technology and disease management |
Making of A Nation Bangladesh: An Economist's Tale |
Jatiyo Brikkho Amgach |
Horticulture Farming |
Environment and Agriculture |
Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs |
Vegetable Crops, (Vol.1) |
Handbook of Fruit Science and Technology; Production, Composition, Storage and Processing |
Propagation of Tropical & Subtropical Horticultural Crops (Vol.1) |
Fruits, Tropical and Subtropical (Vol. 1) |
Fruit Production |
The Strawberry |
Nutrition of Vegetable Crops |
Hand Book of Horticulture |
Fruits, Tropical and Subtropical (Vol. 1) |
Postharvest Physiology of Periahable Plant Products |
Nutrition of Vegetable Crops |
Nutrition of Vegetable Crops |
Vegetable Production in The Sub-Tropics and Tropics |
Fruit and Vegetable Products |
Scientific Horticulture |
Orchids of Asia |
Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables |
Plant Genetic Resources: Horticultural Crops |
Vegetable Crops (Vol.2) |
Vegetable Crops (Vol. 3) |
Vegetable Crops (Vol. 3) |
Trends and Techniques of Horticulture |
Horticulture Crops |
Horticulture |
Introduction to Spices, Plantation Crops, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants |
Introduction to Spices, Plantation Crops, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants |
SPICES; Their Cultivation, Processing and Uses |
Fruit Processing; Nutrition, Products and Quality Management |
Fruits: Tropical and Subtropical (Vol. 2) |
Handbook of Horticulture |
Vegetable Crops (Vol.1) |
Nutrition of Vegetable Crops |
The Bread Bible |
The Bread Bible |
Facts & Figures (Indian Fruits & Vegetables) |
Precision Farming in Horticulture |
Fruit Processing; Nutrition, Products and Quality Management |
Papaya |
The Internet Complete Reference |
Visual Basic Programming 6.7 (VB.NET) |
Microsoft Excel; Version 97, 2000 & 2002 (Ex P) |
The Internet Complete Reference |
Quattro Pro 4 Inside & Out |
The Internet Dictionary |
Adobe Photoshop |
Adobe Illustrator 8.0 & 9.0 (Last Version 10.0) |
Software Engineering; Tutorial Guides in Electronic Engineering |
Expert Networking; Windows 2000/2003, Linux O Unix |
Windows 2000 Server O Network Administrations (Windows Server 2003 Update) |
HTML 4.0 O JavaScript 1.3 |
Beginning SQL Server 2000 Programming |
Desktop Series on Quark XPress |
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows 10.0 |
A Textbook of Biotechnology |
The Compact Guide to Microsoft Office |
Understanding the Network; A Practical Guide to Internetworking |
Adobe Premiere 6.0 |
3D Studio Max 3.1 |
Research on Plant Viral Diseases in Pakistan; Bibliography and Abstracts |
The Complete PC Upgrade and Maintenance Guide |
Essential Visual J++6.0 fast |
Understanding UNIX |
Mastering Word for Windows 95 |
Internet & World Wide Web; How to Program |
Microsoft ASP.NET |
Milk and Milk Products |
Milk and Milk Products |
Microsoft Visual Basic.Net; Professional Projects |
Microsoft Word for Windows 95 |
Information Overload; Creating Value with The New Information Systems Technology |
Access Database Design & Programming |
Livestock Resources in Bangladesh; Present Status and Future Potential |
Dairy Cattle Science |
Fundamentals of Plant-Pest Control |
Cows and Poultry in India; Their Care and Management |
Livestock Resources in Bangladesh |
Poultry Production Under Stress |
Poultry Production Under Stress |
Shrimp and Lobster: Biology |
Shrimp and Lobster: Biology |
Principles of Animal Nutrition and Nutrient Dynamics |
Principles of Animal Nutrition and Nutrient Dynamics |
Environmental Pollution and Effects of Lead and Fluoride on Animal Health |
Veterinary Pathology |
Handbook of Animal Husbandry |
Birds of the Indian Subcontinent |
Birds of the Indian Subcontinent |
Cow Keeping in India |
Milk and Milk Products |
Milk and Milk Products |
Milk Production & Processing |
Dairy Microbiology |
Dairy Cattle and Milk Production |
Dairy Cattle and Milk Production |
Reef Fishes of the Lakshadweep Archipelago |
Openwater Fisheries of Bangladesh |
Animal Nutrition |
Animal Biotechnology |
Technology of Indian Milk Products |
Milk and Dairy Product Technology |
Milk Products |
Sundarbans Mangrove: Fish & Fisheries |
Fish and Fisheries of India |
Fish Packaging Technology; Materials and Methods |
Fish Disease Management in the SAARC Region |
Development of Fisheries in Bangladesh; Plans and Strategies for Income Generation and Poverty Allev |
Fish Biology |
Freshwater Prawns |
Fish; Life, Environment and Diversity |
Inland Fisheries in India; Issues and Concerns |
Soil Science; Properties. Fertility and Management of Soil |
Soil Science; Natural Resource Management |
Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology |
Inland Fishes of India and Adjacent Countries, Vol. 2 |
Inland Fishes of India and Adjacent Countries, Vol. 2 |
Inland Fishes of India and Adjacent Countries, Vol. 1 |
Fish Research; Vision for 21st Century |
Marketing of Marine Fisheries |
Marine Chemistry |
Farming of Tilapia; Breeding Plans, Mass Seed Production and Aquaculture Techniques |
Induced Carp Breeding |
Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture |
Textbook of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology |
Applied Fisheries |
Fishery Management |
Sundarbans Mangrove: Fish & Fisheries |
Sundarbans Mangrove: Fish & Fisheries |
Shrimp Farming and Industry; Sustainability, Trade and Livelihoods |
Fish Processing in India |
A Symposium on Fish Culture |
Textbook of Fish Processing Technology |
Fish Disease Management in the SAARC Region |
Fisheries and Aquaculture Biotechnology |
Economics of Aquaculture |
Lead Papers on Strategies for Aquaculture Development |
Lead Papers on Strategies for Aquaculture Development |
Farming of Tilapia; Breeding Plans, Mass Seed Production and Aquaculture Techniques |
Stock Assessment of Tropical Marine Fishes |
Control of Fish Quality |
Manual of Methods in Fish Biology |
Fishes and Fisheries; Conservation and Sustainable Development |
Participatory Training of Trainers; A New Approach Applied in Fish Processing |
Fish Research |
Fishes and Fisheries; Conservation and Sustainable Development |
Fisheries, Aquaculture and Biotechnology |
Handbook of Fisheries Statistics of Pakistan, (Vol. 18) |
Phalbaganer Pokamakar (Insect Pests of Fruit Garden) |
Field Guide to Fishes of Western Bhutan |
Begun Chasher Samasya |
(Insect Pests of Fruit Garden) |
Pest Management (Fosholer Poka Domon Babosthapona) |
Begun Chasher Samasya |
Insect Pests of Fruit Garden (Phalbaganer Pokamakar) |
Pest Management for Safer Environment |
Medicinal Plants of Southeast Asia |
Agricultural insect pests of the tropics and their control |
Insect Pests and Diseases of Sunflower and Their Management |
Insect Pests and Diseases of Sunflower and Their Management |
Pests of Crops and Their Control in the Maldives |
Dimensions of Molecular Entomology |
Plant Diseases |
Genetic Modification of Plants |
Diseases of Vegetable Crops |
Agricultural Insect Pest of Crops and Their Control |
Epidemiology and Management of Root Diseases |
Indian Medicinal Plants (vol. 5) |
Indian Medicinal Plants (vol. 4) |
Indian Medicinal Plants (vol. 3) |
Indian Medicinal Plants (vol. 2) |
Indian Medicinal Plants (vol. 1) |
Soil and Greenhouse Effect; Monitoring and Mitigation |
Fundamentals of Soil Science |
Soil and Water Conservation |
Soil and Water Conservation Research in India |
Soil Fertility Management for Sustainable Agriculture |
Textbook of Soil Science |
Diseases of Crop Plants in India |
Organic Agriculture Development in India |
Biological Control of Insects Pests |
A Lexicon of Medicinal Plants in India (Vol. 11) |
A Lexicon of Medicinal Plants in India |
Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control |
Pesticide Residue Analysis Manual |
Plant Diseses; Their Causes and Control |
Plant Diseases |
The Neem Tree; Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and Other Meliaceous Plants |
Pesticide |
Postharvest Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables; Development and Control |
Reference Insects of Nepal |
Chemistry of Pesticides |
Integrated Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems |
Allelopathy Update, Vol. 2 |
Allelopathy Update |
Integrated Management of Plant Resources |
Diseases of Sugarcane and Sugarbeet |
INSECTS; A comprehensive illustrated guide to insects of Britain and Europe |
Integrated Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems |
AYURVEDA; The Complete Handbook |
Rice-Feeding Insects and Selected Natural Enemies in West Africa |
Indigenous Agricultural Practices for Sustainable Farming |
Illustrated Guide to Integrated Pest Management in Rice in Tropical Asia |
Nature's Medicine; Plants That Heal |
Hand-Book of The Indian Flora; Being A Guide To All The Flowering Plants |
Hand-Book of The Indian Flora; Being A Guide To All The Flowering Plants |
Hand-Book of The Indian Flora; Being A Guide To All The Flowering Plants |
Recent Advances in Plant Disease |
Recent Advances in Plant Disease |
Recent Advances in Plant Disease |
Recent Advances in Plant Disease |
Recent Advances in Plant Disease |
Recent Advances in Plant Disease |
Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh with Chemical Constituents and Uses |
Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh |
The Insects:An Outline of Entomology |
Integrated Insect Pest Management |
Tea Pest Management |
Tea Pest Management |
Indian Insects |
Tea Pest Management |
Tea Pest Management |
Tea Pest Management |
Pesticides and Environment |
Pesticides in Nepal |
Herbal Medicine and Botanical Medical Fads |
Herbal Medicine and Botanical Medical Fads |
Bio-Pesticide & Integrated Pest Management |
I PM System in Agriculture |
Diseases of Crop Plants in India |
Integrated Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems |
The New Healing Herbs: the classic guide to nature's best medicines featuring the top 100 time-teste |
Vermicomposting for Sustainable Agriculture |
Natural Resources Conservation |
Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control |
Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses |
Conservation of Medicinal Plants |
Fungi of Bhutan |
Indigenous Medicinal Specialities |
Pesticides;Their Ecological Impact in Developing Countries |
Medicinal Plants of Southeast Asia |
Geographic Information System |
Integrated Pest Management |
Vermicomposting for Sustainable Agriculture |
Principles of Pesticide Chemistry |
Neem and Pest Management |
Globalizing Integrated Pest Management; A Participatory Research Process |
Pesticides, rice productivity, aan farmers' health; an economic assessment |
Concepts in Integrated Pest Management |
Neem and Pest Management |
Tea Pest Management |
Fungi of India; List and References |
Soils of Bangladesh |
Pest and Soil Management of Horticultural Crops |
Soil Physical Properties: Measurementand Use in Rice-Based Cropping Systems |
Soil Pollution and Soil Organisms |
Pest and Soil Management of Horticultural Crops |
Textbook of Soil Science |
Soilless Gardening; A Complete |
Soils of Bangladesh: Their Genrsis, Classification and use Potential |
The Nature and Properties of Soils |
Soil Fertility |
Soil Fertility, Fertilizer and Integrated Nutrient Management |
Soil Conservation Extension; From Concepts to Adoption |
Soilless Culture of Horticultural Plants |
The Geography of the Soils of Bangladesh |
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth |
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth |
Proceedings of the Inter-Conference of Commossion IV; Improving Soil Management for Intensive Croppi |
Biofertilizers and Biopesticides |
Biofertilizers Technology |
Agro Diversity and Cropping Pattern |
Scientific Production of Field Crops |
Disaster Management |
Disaster Management |
Fruit and Vegetable Biotechnology |
Agricultural Biotechnology |
The Common Agricultural Policy |
Biofertilizers and Biopesticides |
Post Harvest Engineering |
Spices and Condiments |
Rice Crop Production |
Land, Soil and Water Resources |
Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture |
Seed Borne Diseases: Ecofriendly Management |
Biodiversity and Environment |
Backyard Poultry Production Systems in SAARC Member States |
Export Promotion and Global Market Access for South Asian Agricultural and Food Products |
Challenges and Opportunities in Value Chain of Spices in South Asia |
Geographic Information System |
Agricultural Revolution; Vision for Future |
Land, Soil and Water Resources |
Seed Borne Diseases: Ecofriendly Management |
Biodiversity and Environment |
Biodiversity and Environment |
Livestock Sector Policies and Programmes in Developing Countries |
Vegetable Crops |
Vegetable Crops |
Advances in Reproductive Biotechnology |
Postharvest Physiology of Perishable Plant Products |
Fruits: Tropical and Subtropical |
New Dimensions of Agricultural Research and Extension |
Extension Strategies for Promotion of Organic Farming |
Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Developmen |
Water Scarcity, Livelihoods and Food Security; Research and innovation for development |
Irrigation Management for Crop Diversityfication in Bangladesh |
Agriculture Policy Planning in India |
Sensory and Related Techniques for Evaluation of Dairy Foods |
Plant Varieties Development by the NARS Institutes and Agricultural Universities |
Winter School on Technological Advances in Novel Dairy Foods |
Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey |
From farmer field school to community IPM |
Fruit Processing, Nutrition, Products, and Quality Management |
Mushroom Cultivation Technology |
Primate Ecology and Conservation; A Handbook of Techniques |
"Dohati" Economics: Searching wealth of Nations |
Postharvest Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables; Development and Control |
Postharvest; An introduction to the physiology and handling of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals |
?? |
Chemical Analysis of Value Added Dairy Products and Their Quality Assurance |
Recent Developments in Health Foods and Nutraceuticals |
Internation Conference on Frontiers Reproductive Biotechnology |
Released Varieties of Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds in SAARC Region |
Popularizing Multiple Cropping Innovation |
Technological Advancement in Agro-forestry systems |
Role of Agro-processing for Rural Development in SAARC Region |
Cotton Technology Exchange Program in SAARC Region |
Climate Change Impact on Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture in South Asia |
Policty Farming on Fish Biodiversity Management in Transboundary Rivers of South Asia |
Pulses for Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security in SAARC Region |
Crop Varieties in SAARC Countries |
Diversity of Veterinary Services in SAARC Countries |
Sericulture Scenario in SAARC Region |
Pesticide Information of SAARC Countries |
Spices; Their Cultivation, Processing and Uses |
The Indigenous World 2015 |
Post Harvest Engineering |
Research Methodology in Agriculture |
Stuffed and Starved; The Hidden Battle for the World Food System |
Land Relared Disasters and Management |
Seed Science and Seed Technology |
Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture; Hill Region Agro-ecosystems |
Adoption of New Technology and Agricultural Development |
Mushrooming of Mushrooms |
Water Resouirces Management with examples from Bangladesh |
Conserving Biodiversity in Arid Regions; Best Practices in Developing Nations |
Women in Bangladesh |
Role of Relevance of Co-operatives in Rural Enterprise Development in the Bangladesh Rural Advanceme |
Wetlands of Dhaka Metro Area: A Study from Social, Economic and Institutional Perspectives |
Trade Preference EROSION Measurement and Policy Response |
Re-Thinking Economic Development |
Climate Change Mitigation; Urban Context |
Women, Gender and Development: Contemporary Issues |
Mushroom Cultivation in |India |
Conservation of Medicinal Plants |
Directory of Ph.D. Dissertations on Agriculture in SAARC Countries 2000 - 2006 |
The National Food Policy |
Development of Horticulture in the SAARC Countries |
Status and Future Needs of Farm Mechanisation and Agro-processing in India |
Agricultural Research and Extension Systems in SAARC Contries |
Agriculture Information System and Services in SAARC Countries |
Biofertilizers in Sustainable Agriculture |
Conditional Cash Transfers |
Public Finance for Poverty Reduction |
Study on Critical Success Factors for Renewable Engergy Projects in South Asia |
Agricultural Meteorology |
Achievements of Soybean Processing and Utilization Centre |
Handbook of Fertilizers |
Dairy Production, Quality Control and Marketing System in SAARC Countries |
Directory of Successful Farm Machinery in SAARC Countries |
Farm Animal Genetic Resources in SAARC Countries |
SAARC Outlook |
Agro-forestry Improvement Partnership Project |
Status and Future Needs of Farm Mechanisation and Agro-Processing in India |
Cereals in China |
The Global Fusarium Initiative for International Collaboration |
Database on Livestock Production Breeding and Management in SAARC Countries |
No Grorth Without Equity |
Genetics and Breeding of Vegetable Crops |
International Symposium on Wheat Yield Potential |
Nutrient Contents of Feeds and Fodder in Nepal |
SAARC Seed Outlook |
Minor Spices and Condiments - Crop Management and Post-harvest Technology |
World Development Report |
Guide on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of SAARC Member Countries |
SAC Monograph - The SAARC-Australia Project |
Enhancing Oilseeds Production Through Improved Technology in SAARC Countries |
Fodder Germplasm in SAARC Countries |
Current Status and Future Prospect of Pulse Production in SAARC Countries |
Public Sector Support System and its collaboration with Private Sector for Livestock Development in |
National Agricultural Education Systems in SAARC Countries |
Veterinary Public Health and Zoonotic Disease Control in SAARC Countries |
Regional Workshop on Farm Mechanization for Small holders Agriculture in SAARC Countries |
Livelihood Development through Agriculture in the Saline Prone Coastal Ecosystem of SAARC Countries |
SAARC Dairy Outlook |
Best Practices and Procedures of Saline Soil Reclamation Systems in SAARC Countries |
Value Chain Analysis and Market Studies on Fruits and Vegetable in SAARC Member Countries |
NARS - National Agricultural Research System in SAARC Countries – An analysis of System Diversity |
Status and Future Prospect of Organic Agriculture for Safe Food Security in SAARC Countries |
Adaptation to Climate Change Impact on Crop Production in SAARC Member Countries |
Prospects, Needs Benefits and Risk Assessment of Agriculture Related Genetically Modified Products |
Mite Management of Coconut in SAARC Member Countries |
Soil and Soul – Means and End for Sustainable Agriculture |
Bangladesh Development Series |
Traditional Use of Ethnomedicinal Plants of the Chittagong Hill Tracts |
Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture 2008-2009 |
Pakistan Economic Survey 2008-09 |
A Decade fo Research on Zero Tillage and Crop Establishement |
Improved Machinery for Production of Oil Seeds |
Agricultural Research Data Book 2008 |
Forestry Management for Sustainable Development |
Agriculture and the Environment |
State of Indian Agriculture |
Women Friendly Improved Farm Tools and Equipment |
Machinery for Sugarcane Production |
Computers and Information Processing |
Indigenous Nutrient Management Practices-wisdom alive in India |
Plan of Action (2008-2015) |
Results from the FAO Biotechnology Forum |
Evaluation of Teasle Gourd Genotypes of Bangladesh |
Technology Recommendations from Cropping Systems Research |
Agro-Techniques for Seed Potato Production |
A Decade of Research and Development on Quails |
Papaya |
Irrigation Management for Crop Diversification in Bangladesh |
Marketing of Vegetables and Fruits in Asia & the Pacific |
Proceedings on Tractor & Farm Machinery Manufactures’ Meet |
Proceedings of the Workshop on Integrated Nutrient Management and Water Resources Utilization for Cr |
Environmental & Socioeconomic Impacts of Shrimp Farming in Bangladesh |
Food Chemistry |
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the Dept. of Agriculture |
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the Dept. of Agriculture |
Food Chemistry |
Final Report on the Establishment of the National Information Sharing Mechanism |
All India Coordinated Research Programme on Weed Control |
Small Indigenous Species of Fish in Bangladesh, |
20th National Workshop on Rice Research and Extension in Bangladesh |
Proceedings of the 30th Group Meeting of the all India Co-ordinated Research Project on Medicinal & |
First Meeting of National Taskforce on Biotechnology of Bangladesh |
Focus on 50 Million Poverty in Bangladesh |
Proceedings of the Seminar on Shrimp Culture & Export in Costal Region: Problems & Prospects |
Proceedings of the Workshop on Livestock, Agricultural Engineering and Fisheries, |
Proceedings of the workshop on Bangladesh Agricultural University Research Process |
Proceedings of the workshop on Bangladesh Agricultural University Research Process |
Proceedings of the Workshop on BAU Research Progress |
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Bacterial Blight of Rice, |
Food Preservation |
National Workshop on Options for Flood Risks and Damage Reduction in Bangladesh, |
Proceedings of the Farmers’ Rally and BAUEC Commodity Fair-2000 |
Report of the Regional workshop on Strengthening Legal & Institutional Arrangement for Implementing |
Forntiers of Nutrition and Food Security in Asia, Africa & Latin America, |
System Approaches for Agricultural Development |
The Second Report on Plant Genetic Resources for Food & Agriculture of Bangladesh: The State of Acti |
Rice Farming Systems, |
Proceedings of Workshop on Rice Diversity Evaluation in SW Bangladesh |
Completing the Food Chain, |
Handbook of Agriculture |
Rice in Latin America: Improvement, Management and Marketing, |
Phosphorus Requirements for Sustainable Agriculture in Asia and Oceania, |
Proceedings of the 6th National Workshop on Livestock & Fisheries Research |
Proceedings of the First NARC-Private Sector Consultation Meeting |
Seed Potato form True Seed Technoguide |
The State of Forestry in Pakistan, |
Hand book of Shrimp Seed Production and Farming, |
Research & other Activities in Nematology, |
Two Decades of Nematology, |
Kharip-2 |
Water logging in the South-West Coast |
Script Planning: Positioning & Development Script for TV & Film, |
University Library in Bangladesh: Problems & Prospects, |
University Library in Bangladesh: Problems & Prospects, |
Management Information Services |
The Internet for Busy People, |
Internet: Mailing Lists, |
Adobe Illustrator version 8.0 & 9.0 |
Sobi ar Sobitay Microsoft Word |
Help Word Perfect, |
Teach Yourself CoreIDRAW 9 in 24 hours |
The Internet: Complete Reference, |
Finding it on the Internet: Guide to Search Tools & Techniques, |
Teach yourself the Internet in a week, |
Mastering Word for Windows 95, |
Mastering the Internet, |
Turbo C++ Techniques and Applications, |
Data Structures, |
Teaches Word Perfect 6.0: The Quick & Easy Way to Learn, |
Windows Programming with Microsoft C++, |
The Compact Guide to Microsoft Office, |
Microsoft Word for Windows 95 Made Easy: The Basic & Beyond |
Windows for Beginners-No Experience Required |
Desktop Series on Quark X Press, |
SPSS for Windows |
The Internet, |
Expert Networking |
Upgrading, Maintaining & Servicing IBM PCs & Compatibles |
The Complete PC Upgrade & Maintenance Guide, |
Microsoft Computer Dictionary |
Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family |
Networks in Action: Communication, Economics & Human Knowledge, |
Zen and the Artof the Internet |
Studies on Agriculture & Rural Development |
Equity in Input Delivery Resource Mobilization & its Utilization |
Mud Crab Culture in India, |
Essentials of Animal Physiology |
Computerized Information System for Poverty Monitoring |
Biogeochemistry of a Forested Ecosystem |
Ecological Integrity & the Management of Ecosystems, |
Limnology: Lake and River Ecosystems, |
Endangered Wetlands, |
The New Book of Popular Science |
Developmental Biology, |
Applied Wetlands Science and Technology |
Marine Chemistry |
Biological Science: Organisms, Energy and Environment, |
Efficient Use of Fertilizers, |
Present Status & Development Potential of Pearl Culture in Bangladesh |
Control of Fish Quality |
Marketing of Marine Fisheries |
Energy Management & Improved Farm Implements in North Eastern Hills Region, |
Fish Processing and Preservation, |
Neoplasms in Fish |
Proceedings of the SAARC Workshop on Fish Seed Production |
Handbook of Seed Production & Culture of Asian Seabass, Lates Calcarifer |
Perspectives on Fisheries Development in Bangladesh |
Review of the Recommendations of National Seminars & Workshops on Fisheries, Mymensingh |
Proceedings of a Workshop on Sustainable Development of Marine Fisheries Resources in Bangladesh |
Studies in Human Resource Development |
Repression of Women with Special Emphasis on Dowry |
Soil and Agronomic Studies in Hevea: A Bibliography |
The Significance and Regulation of Soil Biodiversity, |
Twenty Years of Coordinated Research on Micronutrients in Soils & Plants |
Soil Fertility Management for Sustainable Agriculture |
A Management Perspective on the Performance of the Irrigation Sub sector |
Greening Sodic Lands: Bichhian Model |
Symposium on DRIP Irrigation, |
Production Technology for Irrigated Diversified Cropping |
Traditional Water Harvesting Systems: an Ecological Economic Survey |
Wastewater treatment and use in agriculture |
Water Management in Potato |
Improving Irrigation Performance through the Use of Management Information Systems |
Bangladesh Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy |
Arsenic Pollution problems in Bangladesh |
Proceedings of the Meeting of Counterpart Scientists of SAARC Member Countries on Annual Genetic Res |
A Manual on Vegetable Seed Production in Bangladesh, |
Plant Growth Interactions with nutrition and Environment |
Detection of Plant Pathogens and their Management, |
Red Date Book of Vascular Plants of Bangladesh, |
The Plant Book: A Portable Dictionary of the Higher Plants |
Plants Parasitic Nematodes in Temperate Agriculture |
Plants in Agriculture |
Plant Invaders |
Manual of Alpine Plants: will Ingression V M H |
Plant Biotechnology and Tissue Culture Principles and Perspectives |
Recent Advances in Plant Pathology |
Approach to Seed Health Improvement |
Oilseeds in Asia-Pacific Region |
Seed Science and Technology, |
Proceedings of the National Seminar on Women in Seed Sector |
Status of Cereal Seed Industry in Bangladesh, |
Proceedings of the National Seed Technology Workshop |
Report of National Seed Board Activities |
Characteristics of Crop Seeds approved by the National Seed Board |
Nucleus & Breeder Seed Production Manual-Wheat & Barley |
Guideline for Seed Potato Production in Pakistan-Plants |
Agricultural Insect Pests of the tropics and their control |
Pest Management: A Directory of Information Sources, |
Rodent Pests & their Management in North Eastern hill region |
Reference Insects of Nepal |
Biology and Management of Rice Insects |
Compendium of Onion Diseases |
Busseola Fusca: a hand book of Information, |
Potato Bacterial Wilt in India |
Epidemiology and Mangement of Root Diseases, |
Proceedings of the Climate Change & World Food Security, |
Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems |
Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh with Chemical Constituents and Use |
Wart Disease of Potato in Darjeeling Hills |
Co-ordinated Research on Wheat Production Technology in India |
Adi Hekmi Kobiraj Chiktsha o Deshio lata Patar gune, |
The Neem Tree |
Improved Soybean Varieties of India, |
Maize in Asia: Changing Markets and Incentives, |
A Decade of Pulses Research at IIPR |
Bash Chash o Bashjato Shilpo: Manual, (Bengali) |
Jute Research and Application, |
Sugarcane Production Technology in Bangladesh: A handbook |
Technology for Increasing Maize Production in India |
Agronomy of Sugarcane: Principles & Practice, |
Tea in India, |
Tea in India, |
Tea Processing, |
Impact of Resource Conservation Technology on Wheat Production, |
Studies in Rice Bean Germplasm, |
Cereals & Rseudocereals, |
Isabgol: A Potential Crop for Saline Irrigation & Moderate Alkali Soils, |
Genetic Resources of Betelvine in India, |